Still from films shown as part of the International Film Series

Fall 2024 International Film Series

Two Ways to Participate



Urban Hymn | U.K. | 2015

In Person: Sept. 4

Discussion: Sept. 10

det365中文任性的少年杰米的救赎成长故事(利蒂夏·赖特), who is encouraged by Kate, 一个鼓舞人心的和非传统的社会工作者用唱歌来逃避她的麻烦的背景. 杰米的忠诚很快就在凯特和她占有欲强、反复无常的好朋友莉安之间变得支离破碎.  Nominated for Most Promising Newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards.

导演:迈克尔·卡顿-琼斯| 103分钟|英文字幕.

Boy | New Zealand | 2010

In Person: Sept. 11

Discussion: Sept. 17

广受赞誉的导演塔伊卡·怀蒂蒂呈现了一部以1984年为背景的创造性成长喜剧, following an eleven-year-old Michael Jackson fanatic nicknamed "Boy."  With his mother dead and father AWOL, 当他的奶奶离开小镇去参加葬礼时,男孩成了一个满是孩子的家庭的户主.  Out of nowhere, 男孩的爸爸(怀蒂蒂饰)和他的“帮派”开着一辆老爷车出现,把男孩的生活搅得天翻地覆. There are treasure hunts, fistfights, and falling-outs, as Boy grapples to learn why his Dad left the family so long ago.  Waititi adopts a deadpan tone that's part Wes Anderson and part Flight of the Conchords,包括儿童动画和迈克尔·杰克逊音乐视频的滑稽再现. Boy is one of the most creative comedies you'll see all year.                                  

导演:塔伊卡·怀蒂蒂| 87分钟|英文字幕.

The Blue Caftan | Morocco | 2022

In Person: Sept. 18

Discussion: Sept. 24

哈利姆和米娜在摩洛哥最古老的麦地那之一经营着一家传统的长袍商店. 为了跟上要求苛刻的顾客的要求,他们雇佣了优素福. 这位才华横溢的学徒向哈利姆学习刺绣和裁缝艺术,表现出极大的奉献精神. 慢慢地,米娜意识到她的丈夫是多么被这个年轻人的存在所感动.

导演:玛丽亚姆·图扎尼| 122分钟|阿拉伯语,英文字幕.

Tomorrow | France | 2015

In Person: Sept. 25

Discussion: Oct. 1

面对越来越多的人类大灭绝即将到来的证据,他们感到无能为力, m lanie Laurent(无耻的混蛋)和活动家Cyril Dion前往10个国家,在那里草根先驱们正在重塑他们的经济和民主. From Detroit, where urban farms have transformed a dying city, to Copenhagen, where nearly 70% of the energy is renewable, to Kuttambakkan in India, where participative democracy allows different castes to work together, and to other communities around the world,  TOMORROW 让观众思考我们能做什么和必须做什么来拯救我们的未来.

导演:姆姆·洛朗和西里尔·迪翁| 119分钟|英、法文影片,配有英文字幕.

Dancing in Jaffa | Israel | 2013

In Person: Oct. 2

Discussion: Oct. 8

Renowned ball-room dancer Pierre Dulaine takes his program, Dancing Classrooms, back to his city of birth, Jaffa, to teach Jewish and Palestinian Israelis to dance and compete together.  这部电影探讨了四个孩子被迫面对身份问题的故事, segregation, and racism.

导演:希拉·梅达利亚| 90分钟|希伯来语和阿拉伯语,配有英文字幕.

The Other Son | Israel/Palestine | 2012

In Person. Oct. 9

Discussion: Oct. 15

A moving and provocative tale of two young men, one Israeli, the other Palestinian, who discover they were accidentally switched at birth, and the complex repercussions on themselves and their respective families.获得东京大奖赛和最佳导演奖 Tokyo International Film Festival.  利维泰然自若地处理了一场情绪和政治的混乱."- John Anderson, Newsday 

导演:洛林·莱维| 105分钟|法语、阿拉伯语、希伯来语,配有英文字幕.

Saf | Turkey | 2018

In Person: Oct 16

Discussion: Oct. 22

Urban transformation in the area of Fikirtepe, Istanbul, 正在席卷贫困社区,叙利亚难民在废弃的建筑中避难. Kamil and his wife Remziye are threatened to lose their house. Being unemployed for a while, 卡米尔别无选择,只能秘密地接受了建筑工地的一份工作. He is not only taking away the job from a Syrian refugee, but also working for the company that destroys his own area. 邻居和工作中的压迫和焦虑逐渐改变了他. When Kamil suddenly disappears, Remziye will have to face the consequences of his actions, which does not fit with the man she used to know. Yet she is not ready to give up.

导演:阿里·瓦坦塞弗| 101分钟|土耳其语,配有英文字幕.

The Worst Person in the World | Noreway | 2021

In Person: Oct. 23

Discussion: Oct. 29

Chronicling four years in the life of Julie, 这个现代故事讲述的是对爱和意义的追求,探讨了一个年轻女子在她的爱情生活和职业道路的混乱水域中的航行, ultimately leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is.

导演:约阿希姆·特里尔| 128分钟|挪威语,英文字幕.

Past Lives | Korea | 2023

In Person: Oct 30

Discussion: Nov. 5

Two childhood sweethearts, after decades apart, 在纽约度过了决定性的一周,面对命运的概念, love, 以及导演席琳·宋在这部令人心碎的现代浪漫电影中做出的选择.

导演:Celine Song | 105分钟|韩文、英文,配英文字幕.

To Life: A La Vie | France | 2014

In Person: Nov. 6

Discussion: Nov. 12

海伦、莉莉和罗斯是在奥斯维辛集中营认识的,那是三个20岁的犹太女孩被驱逐的地方. Thanks to German-speaking Dutch Lili, who was working in the camp kitchen, the two French girls survived.  However, after the liberation of the camp, they lost touch. Lili went back to the Netherlands. Rose married a former deportee and settled down in Canada. Helene returned home to France, where she met an old childhood sweetheart, and married him, 意识到他的阳痿是由在集中营里对他进行实验的邪恶医生造成的.  决心找到她的老朋友,海伦在一家被驱逐者报纸上登了一则广告. Against all odds, the ad is answered and the women are reunited. The reunion takes place in Berck Plage in the north of France. 女人们重新发现了彼此,并互相帮助克服了奥斯维辛的恶魔.

导演:让-雅克·齐伯曼| 104分钟|法文,英文字幕.

Becoming Astrid | Sweden | 2018

In Person: Nov. 13

Discussion: Nov. 19

少女阿斯特丽德·林格伦,后来成为《bet365体育平台》的作者,在瑞典农村过着无忧无虑的生活. Eager to break free from her conservative upbringing, 她接受了当地一家报纸的实习机会,在那里她引起了该报已婚编辑的注意. After Astrid becomes pregnant, she leaves home to give birth to a son, whom she reluctantly leaves with a foster mother. When the foster mother falls ill, 阿斯特丽德用她的想象力和讲故事的天赋与她的孩子重新建立联系.

导演:佩尼尔·菲舍尔·克里斯滕森| 123分钟|瑞典语,配有英文字幕.

Renoir | France | 2012

In Person: Nov. 20

Discussion: Nov. 26

Set on the French Riviera in the summer of 1915, Jean Renoir -- son of the Impressionist painter, 皮埃尔-奥古斯特——在第一次世界大战中负伤后回到家中休养. 在他身边的是安德里亚姆,一个年轻的女人,她使父亲和儿子都恢复活力,着迷并激励着他们.  This historical drama screened at the Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for eight César Awards and Lumiere Awards.

导演:吉尔斯·波多斯| 111分钟|法文,英文字幕.

Lost In Paris: Paris Pieds Nus | Canada | 2016

In Person: Nov. 27

Discussion: Dec. 3

Filmed in Dominique Abel and Fiona Gordon’s signature whimsical style, LOST IN PARIS 电影制片人饰演一个加拿大小镇的图书管理员和一个奇怪的诱惑, oddly egotistical vagabond.

Official Selection at the Telluride Film Festival. Winner of the Rare Pearl Award at the Denver International Film Festival"A charming ode to Tati and Chaplin …" - indieWire

Director(s): Dominique Abel, 菲奥娜·戈登| 82分钟|法文和英文,配有英文字幕.